How I plan for my 6-figure years

How can I use my intuition and emotional intelligence in strategic planning? And how can I combine that with all the skills I picked up in the Corporate World?

Because I didn't leave corporate life for nothing. I sure as hell wasn't going to do business in the exact same way. Yikes. 

Here's what happened.

In 2018, I was about to enter a yoga class on a Thursday morning. I'm recovering from a serious burnout and anxiety disorder. And I get a phone call from a Senior Vice President. They're firing me. I almost laugh out loud. (I actually did laugh). 

After months and months of recovery, I do what I've been wanting for years: start my own freaking business. But this time I want it to be on MY TERMS! That's when I asked myself that question. 

I've run a 6-figure business for years in a row. 

But I ALWAYS applied both feminine qualities and more masculine planning and decision making tools. 

I always used my intuitive and psychic insights. And I used strategic planning tools that McKinsey taught me. Too many of us are afraid to do that. Unleash our Feminine Superpower on the world. Build a business that generates cash. 

After a lot of experimenting, I finally figured out HOW to plan for an incredible year....and I can do it in just 5 days. This is the EXACT PROCESS I use every year. 

PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: I put in weeks of my life so you don't have to. Please put it to use! 

How to plan for an incredible year in 5 days

Here are my steps: 

1. Think big: go out-of-the-box for inspiration and discover what's possible. 

Us humans? We condition ourselves to repeat the same things over and over again. We're creatures of habit. That limits us. Especially in creating a vision for our business. 

We keep creating the same results, because we keep taking the same actions. 

That's why it's ESSENTIAL that you use techniques to diverge first and think out of the box. There are 6 helpful techniques I can recommend (and tested myself!): 

  • Make a Vision Board and let your intuition tell you what you really desire. 

  • Go on Artist Dates. Julia Cameron's world-famous book highly recommends this technique. It has inspired millions of people worldwide. The Artist Date is a solo expedition to explore something that interests you. They fire up the imagination. 

  • Do a Vision Quest and trust on something bigger than yourself to give you answers and direction. 

  • Learn to work with symbols and signs. The Unity Consciousness is something bigger than us. It's always giving us little hints and directions. I love to use Shamanic ways of interpreting symbols for examples. 

  • Blow up your goals and try to incite a Quantum Leap. Sometimes, throwing all logic out of the window can ignite massive growth. 

  • Look at people you admire. Watch Movies, read Biographies and analyze what made them successful. This is often our Golden Shadow, which is too big to explain here. It also teaches us patterns that lead to success. 

2. What does the life you love look like? What word describes it? And what has actually held you back so far? Why aren't you there yet? 

Every day we have an opportunity to rewrite our story. Literally... our lives can change in 1 day...1 hours, 1 moment. 

I've hit 25k days. I woke up in the morning not expecting anything...and with 2 DMs the entire day shifted. 

So we have to start asking ourselves the question: what would be possible if our Wildest Dreams came true? 

This is where I turn my intuition and creative inspiration into AN IDEA BANK for my business. 

Ideas come and go. They float in and out of our consciousness. How to make sure they don't end up in the graveyard of ideas that are potentially world-changing? Your Idea Bank. 

I made an Example of how I do this in my Course BOOM, Blast into the New Year. In short: 

  • I brainstorm for at least 20 minutes and write down every potential Idea I might have. Please note that I don't think ideas in our conscious field are random (neither did Carl Jung. So I take it very seriously when I'm suddenly obsessed with something).

  • Then I start connecting these ideas to different areas in my business. How can this elevate my branding? Or how can I infuse this in my messaging? I have a very detailed worksheet that I also share in Boom where I identify all the business areas. 

3. Write a new story for 2024: who are you going to be? Write that story. 

I recommend a technique called Futurescribing. 

That would look something like this: "It's December 31st, 2024. I'm (write what you're doing, how you're feeling, what you remember). "

This helps us become who we want to be. Anchor in a knowing: this is where I'm going. 

4. Start creating a solid plan by analyzing where you're at. 

My clients will roll their eyes at this. I keep repeating this mantra. 

The roadmap to success isn't only about where you're going: the vision board, having the time to cuddle with your babies (both human and fur ones) and living the good life —𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦.⁠

I recommend asking yourself these questions while analyzing every area in your business. S

tart with marketing, then move on to energy management. Look at every area in your business (again in Boom you get templates for this). 

⁠Go over what felt good. What do you want more of? And what needs to be different? Who do you need to be for that? What needs to change? Where are you leaking energy? What feels aligned? What doesn't? 

5.Make choices. That's going to be your Strategic Plan. No half-asking. 

Choose what you are going to do. Make a decision and go for it 100%. No half-assing. 

That sound super simple.....but it really isn't. 

We often postpone. We don't believe in the goals we set for ourselves. We make our boundaries negotiable. 

I could do an entire course on this, so I'll stick to this. The age of Information is overwhelming. We need to focus, create good habits and systems that help us achieve our biggest dreams. 

Life WILL happen to you if we don't do this. So Choose. And actually do it. This will set you apart from 90% of the people. 



  1. You can join BOOM, Blast into the New Year which is still running. Next Thursday, Jan. 18, at noon, I will do a live workshop where we will go through all the steps together. If you join before then, you get to join. 

  2. Do you feel overwhelmed? Would you like an expert to look at your strategy and identify the gaps? Or just highlight the opportunities? I have 2 spots for an in-depth Personal Strategy Session with me. Because you're on the list you get a 10% discount with this code GUESTLIST2024. 

  3. You could become my Private Client. That would require us to have a conversation first. Send me a message and we'll discuss what your plans are. 


Leading with Feminine Energy in the Business World